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Layout Design of Integrated Circuits (DTLST)

An Integrated Circuit Layout Design is a creation in the form of a three-dimensional layout design of various elements, at least one of which is an active element, as well as some or all of the interconnections in an integrated circuit and the three-dimensional layout is intended for the preparation of an integrated circuit.

What is an Integrated Circuit?
An integrated circuit is a product in finished or semi-finished form, in which there are various elements and at least one of the elements is an active element, which are partially or fully interconnected and formed in an integrated manner in a semiconductor material to produce electronic functions.

What kind of DTLST can be registered?
DTLST can be registered if the DTLST is original, the design is the independent work of the designer, and at the time the DTLST was created it was not common to the designers.

How long is the legal protection of registered DTLSTs?
Registered DTLSTs enjoy legal protection for a period of 10 years from the first commercial exploitation of the DTLST or from the date of receipt of the application for registration.

1. A scan of the completed Integrated Circuit Layout Design Application Form.
2. Drawings or photographs as well as description of the Layout Design of Integrated Circuit
3. Power of Attorney of IP Consultant with stamp (if using a consultant)
4. Statement of DTLST Ownership
5. DTLST Form download link: