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Patent Right are exclusive rights granted by the state to inventors for their inventions in the field of technology to carry out their own inventions for a certain period of time or to give consent to parties to carry out their inventions. Patents are granted for completely new inventions, while simple patents can be granted for inventions resulting from the development of existing products or processes. An invention is an idea that is expressed in a specific problem-solving activity.

Definition of Invention
An invention is an inventor's idea that is poured into a specific problem-solving activity in the field of technology, which can be in the form of a product or process or the improvement and development of a product or process.

Simple Patent Right
Any invention in the form of a new product or device that has practical use value due to its shape, configuration, construction or components can obtain legal protection in the form of a simple patent. The announcement of a simple patent application lasts for 14 (fourteen) days from the date of announcement of the application.

Differences between Patent Right and Simple Patent Right

  1. Patents are granted for inventions that are new, contain inventive steps, and can be applied in industry. While a simple patent is granted for any new invention, development of an existing product or process, and can be applied in the industry. A simple patent is granted for an invention in the form of a product that is not merely different in technical characteristics, but must have a function/use that is more practical than the previous invention due to its form, configuration, construction, or components which include tools, goods, machines, compositions, formulas, compounds, or systems. Simple patents are also granted for inventions in the form of new processes or methods;
  2. The claims of a simple patent are limited to one self-contained claim, whereas a patent the number of claims is not limited;
  3. The technological progress in a simple patent is simpler than the technological progress in a patent.

An invention is patentable if the invention is:

  1. New. If at the time of filing the Patent application the invention is not the same as any previously disclosed technology;
  2. Contains an inventive step. If the invention is something that could not have been foreseen by a person who has certain expertise in the field of engineering;
  3. Can be applied in industry. If the invention can be produced or can be used in various types of industries.

Patent Right Protection Period
1. Patents Right are granted for 20 years from the date of receipt of the Patent application.
2. A simple patent right is granted for 10 years from the date of receipt of the simple patent right application..

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Requirements and Application Documents
1. Copy of KTP & NPWP (if any)
2. Description of Patent Application in Indonesian Language;
3. Claims;
4. Abstract;
5. Invention Drawing (PDF) and Drawing for Publication (JPG);
6. Declaration of Invention Ownership by the Inventor;
7. Letter of Transfer of Rights (if the inventor and applicant are different or the applicant is a legal entity);
8. Power of Attorney (if submitted through a consultant);
9. Certificate of MSE (if the applicant is a micro or small business);
10. Certificate of Establishment (if the applicant is an educational institution or government R&D);
11. Link to Download Form :