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Sentra HKI Universitas Islam Riau is a work unit that has function on manage and utilize an intellectual wealth, as well as the center of HKI information and service (explanation on pasal 13 ayat (3) UU 18, 2002). The main role and function as institution for (a) HKI socialization, (b) HKI registration, and (c) HKI commercialization that has a big role on dissemination of research results on user industry and community in a wide scale.

Therefore Sentra HKI has obliged to build and preserve the HKI main holder such as copyright, patent, trademark and trade secret. That based on pasal 13 (3) UU 18/2002 has stated besides of Litbang (Research and Develop Division) institution, so the college should endeavour to bulid Sentra HKI according to the capacity and capability. In the other hand governement side according to pasal 23 (1) UU 18/2001, also committed will guarantee on protecting of HKI that has owned in individual or institution based on the terms of the valid regulation. Republic of Indonesia Regulation Nomor 18/Tahun 2002 about National Research System, Development, and Science and Technology Application Pasal 13 ayat 3 stated, on intensify an intellectual wealth management, The college should endeavour on build the Sentra Intellectual Wealth Right. Sentra HKI UIR existence become one of the real effort form to increase the college quality and reputation.

Vision and Mission


Sentra HKI UIR vision is to boost the UIR vision goals, which “UIR 2041 Become an Islamic Universities World Class Based on Iman and Taqwq(Imtaq)” mainly on Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) Literacy for educators and Education Staff also particularly Students in Universitas Islam Riau Environment as well as on commonly wide community.


As The Locomotive of Hak Karya Intelektual (HKI) registration on UIR Environment and Wide Community

Main Role and Function

Sentra HKI Universitas Islam Riau main role and function on following bellow:

  1. Undertake an identification of HKI potential that has by all of academics civitas as well as Lecturer/Students Research, the last assignment form or the research result in PKM grant funds also HKI potential in Pekanbaru, Riau community and Industry;
  2. Increase the patent acquisition and HKI holder of Technology and Creative products particularly at Unlversitas Islam Riau environment and commonly in Pekanbaru, Riau;
  3. Motivate the Universitas Islam Riau researcher lecturer for doing a research that has HKI potential;
  4. Increase the Universitas Islam Riau researcher and public community awareness about HKI necessary;
  5. Encourage the industries growth on HKI based, and Undertake an education, development and procedures of HKI proporal for academic civitas, community and industries in Pekanbaru, Riau.

Organizational Structure

Ketua Sentra HKI UIR


Dr. Zulfikri Toguan, SH., MH

Sekretaris Sentra HKI UIR


Dr. Iyoyo Dianto, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA